I’m back with one last post for my storytelling class, even though class ended Sunday. Better late than never, I guess.

Today I’ll be talk about video memes–a good follow up to my last chat on YouTube. Check it out!

I wanted to also share a link to a great Ted Talk about memes. If you have 20 minutes, it’s a really interesting look at how memes are in almost every aspect of life. It’s looks at science and evolution, which makes it that much more interesting to me. I’m a nerd like.

I’m back with another post for my storytelling class. The prompt for this one was:

How does YouTube represent a disruption of existing media business models? What do you think the future holds?

P.S. I totally didn’t get to the second half of my prompt. But I thought three minutes of video was plenty!

I’m back with another post for my Multimedia Storytelling class. I’ll keep the writing short since this is really about my vlog. But here’s the prompt for your edification:

Growing up, what was your favorite story? Why? Have you seen that narrative show up in a new form on the web or in popular media? Similar plot, different characters?

When I think of the context of a story, two different things come to my mind. The context that I am in physically and the context in which the story is presented, no matter the platform. Both contexts affect my engagement.

The environment, or context, in which I am reading a story (or listening or watching) can either distract or help to engage me. For example, a darkened theater keeps me focused on what is happening on screen, while at home on the couch, I am often using my computer while watching TV, making it so I am not completely focused on any one thing. A noisy background, conversation, loud noises, can all take away from my engagement with a story, while a quiet atmosphere helps me to focus.

The context of the story or writing is also very important. Online, for example, the website on which a story is found changes my expectations of it. I expect ESPN to have sports stories and I probably wouldn’t engage with a story that didn’t fit in that category. Additionally, if the space a story is presented is too busy, perhaps filled with advertisements, I am less likely to focus or even stay on the page.

To reach an audience most effectively, you need to take these factors into account. For example, if you know most readers/viewers might be in a distracting environment, keep the story short and easy to follow. And as you plan your story, think about the context it will be presented it. The two should relate and work together.

This past weekend was orientation for the MCDM program (Master’s of Communication in Digital Media).  Hanson Hosein, director of the program and self-identified heavy metal junkie, kicked off the event with a clip from Spinal Tap.  This clip pointed out that 11 was louder than 10.

Louder, bigger, bolder, grander–that is what we MCDMers were encouraged to pursue, in whatever area we are passionate about.  This opening set the bar high for our cohort.  I’d be lying if I said I was not at all nervous.

But I’m also excited.  I know there will be hard work, but I also know there will be encouragement, support, and big break throughs.  I can feel those things already, in my classmates and in the faculty.

And I can’t wait to get swept up.

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